News that promotes technology, innovation & skill development in schools

Schools Institute News is a growing web platform for covering and distributing news related to technology, innovation, skill development, and student entrepreneurship in schools and institutions.

We’re more than a News PR website!

We believe in the democratization and celebration of innovation & technological development in schools and institutions from anywhere.

News PR Website

We cover news related to technological events, skill development, innovation and student or campus entrepreneurship in schools and institutions .

Nurturing Innovation

Does your students have innovative ideas that need to be nurtured and help them become either an innovator or entrepreneur? We’re simply a call away.

Industry Mentor Support

Get the help of our industry-approved mentors to train and groom your students in the area of entrepreneurship, innovation or intrapreneurship.

Training Bootcamps

Do you want us to conduct ideathons, hackathons and ideation bootcamps for students to pitch their ideas and  receive feedback from their peers and mentors in real-time? Let’s get going.

Entrepreneurial Culture

Why do only a handful of kids in any school or institution turn innovators or entreprenuers? We ensure innovation or entrepreneurial should be a part of the culture through the development of the right mindset?

News Distribution

News covered is distributed across our social media and both online and offline networking channels so that any school or institution receives the right amount of attention it deserves.

By The Startups Community

By The Startups is a community of entrepreneurs, business owners, innovators, mentors, investors, and well connected to governnment bodies including EDII, Startup India,StartupTN, MSME and more.


  • Part of the wider entreprenerial ecosystem.
  • Unique platform for news coverage.
  • Quality News that offers schools and educators the cutting-edge


  • News coverage based on annual subscription at affordable charges.
  • News that celebrate inventiveness and innovation in schools and institutions.
  • News distribution across social media & networking channels.

“By The Startups has helped our students nurture the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation to  thrive in a dyanmic environment”

Jaffer Rafiq

Founder, Falaq Schools

Join our list of growing institutions

As we bring you quality perspectives, content & best practices related to entrepreneurship and innovation in schools and institutes from anywhere.